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MGD won 11th All India IPSC Yoga championship held at the Scindia School, Fort Gwalior

11th All India IPSC Yoga championship held at the Scindia School, Fort Gwalior.
MGD won all 3 categories U - 14,17,and19. 
MGD also won overall championship for 8th consecutive year. 
We won 19 gold medals which is our best performance ever. Kanishka Agrawal U- 14 and 
Parul Khicha U -17 won Best of the best performer award .
10 girls got selected to represent IPSC in SGFI nationals to be held at Aurangabad (Maharashtra) and New Delhi in month of January . Name of the girls selected for nationals :-
1. Kanishka Agrawal 7G 
2. Alvina Akhtar 7G
3. Shirin Sharma 7C
4. Neha Sangtani 8 E 
5. Parul Khicha 9C
6.Vanisha Jalandra -10E
7.Ayushi Sharma -10-C
8.Shreyanshi Sharma10C
9.Nilima Paul-10G
10.Hitanshi Mehta-11F.

Published on 30 Oct, 2018