Patriotic Song Competition- Shraddhanjali 2020 by Chinmay mission yuva kendra, Jaipur
In the month of August, Madhuri Pandey of class 6th and Himankini Mishra of class 12th of MGD Girls’ School participated in the Solo Patriotic Song Competition organised by Chinmay Yuva Kendra Jaipur. This inter school competition is organised every year to pay homage to the martyred soldiers.This year a total of 40 schools participated. Owing to the current ongoing crisis the participants were asked to record their videos and send them. The videos were uploaded on the the Chinmay Yuva Kendra YouTube channel on 2nd October 2020. The voting lines were opened from 2nd October to 7th October. MGD School is proud to share that Madhuri Pandey secured the second position which was a tie and got a cash prize of 3000 rupees and Himankini Mishra secured the first position and won a cash prize of 5000 rupees. The organizers propose to host a separate ceremony for the winners where they will be awarding the winners with the certificate and the cash prize.