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MGD wins IPSC YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP for 9th consecutive year

Results of IPSC Yoga competition-2019-20 which was held at Mody school, Lakshmangarh (Sikar) from 9-11 September 2019.
*U-14 category*
Group Yoga-1st position
Rhythmic Yoga- 1st position
Artistic Yoga-2nd position.

_*U-17 category*
Group Yoga-2nd position position
Artistic Yoga-2nd position

*U-19 category*
Group Yoga- 1st position
Rhythmic Yoga-2nd position
Artistic Yoga-1st position

Ayushi Sharma won the best performer award.

9 girls selected to represent IPSC in SGFI Nationals-2019

Click on link below to view photos:


Published on 17 Sep, 2019