
Special Assembly to bid farewell to Dr Seema Sharma

" A good education can change anyone. A good teacher can change everyone ".

In the farewell assembly organised for Dr Seema Sharma, PGT Sankrit, student representatives from classes 6-11 expressed their love and gratitude to their lovable Sanskrit teacher. Through poems and anecdotes students shared how the influence of a good teacher extends beyond classroom and curriculum and can change lives.

In her speech, Mrs Archana S Mankotia, Principal MGD Girls' School also congratulated Dr Seema Sharma for her exceptional service and impactful teaching. Dr Ratna Sharma, HOD Hindi also addressed the gathering. The assembly was concluded by the special guest, Dr Seema Sharma. She shared her ideas about the joy of teaching, that the true legacy of a teacher is always the achievements of her students and that every child has a world of possibilities, waiting to be discovered.