
Prep Annual Sports Day- Class IV, V

MGD Prep Section Sports Day for Grade 4 and 5 was held on 20th December, 2024.The event was an amazing display of athletic talents, teamwork and sportsmanship.

The programme began with the arrival off the Chief Guest Mrs. Archana S. Mankotia. Students of Grade 4 showcased their flexibility and endurance through yoga performances.

Students of Grade 5 performed a synchronized multiple sports drill, demonstrating their coordination and teamwork.

Students participated in various unique relay races like Duck walk Race, Topple the cone Race, Wheelbarrow Race showcasing their speed, agility and coordination.

Parents also enthusiastically participated in a special fun filled game 'Bomb in the city. A book balance race was held for teachers too.

Certificates were awarded to the winners of each event.

The event ended with a vote of thanks by extending gratitude to the parents, teachers and school support staff for their support and participation in making the Prep Section Sports Day a success.

Special thanks was extended to the sports department and the student volunteers for their tireless efforts in organizing the event.