It was a proud moment for Maharani Gayatri Devi Girl’s School to introduce Ellie, Asia’s first stunningly realistic, life-size animatronic elephant, for whom actor Dia Mirza has lent her voice. Our school is Ellie’s first stop in Jaipur, but she will visit many more schools in Jaipur during her tour to encourage primary-grade learners to develop respect and empathy for animals. The session was conducted by Mrs Meenakshi Narang, Senior Education Coordinator of PETA India. Through the heart wrenching and painful story of Ellie, the rescued baby elephant Mrs Narang told the students that all elephants want to be free, play, be with their friends and families, walk around, and eat fresh, yummy food together in nature. The session was attended by the students of Grade 5 of MGD Girls' School and the LEAD -I participants with great enthusiasm.