

Under the course of Capacity Building Programme conducted by CBSE, Stress Management workshop was conducted on 12 September, 2022 from 9am to 5pm at Subodh Public School, Jaipur. Mrs Iti Malik (TGT Maths) and Ms Dimple K Gupta (TGT English) of took part in this enriching programme. Mrs Sarika Gaur and Mrs Sunita Vashishta, principals of different schools, enlightened the participants with new insights into managing stress in both professional and personal lives. The workshop opened with an introspective exercise about stressors and how one reacts to the stimuli around. It majorly focussed on attitudinal shifts and was an eye opener for the attendees. The workshop saw active participation, and the teachers presented a variety of problem scenarios through role play, the solutions to which were thoroughly discussed.