
workshop on “The biodiversity, integrity and purity of our seeds and food organised by NAVDANYA group

On 19 th December 2022, students of MGD Girls’ School attended a workshop on “The biodiversity, integrity and purity of our seeds and food" organised by NAVDANYA group which aims at protecting Biological and Cultural diversity. The guest speakers included Dr Vandana Shiva, Ms Sarita Kumari Ghanerao, Dr Mina Shiva , Dr O P Chaudhary , Dr Dhiraj Singh among a few others. The purpose of the workshop was to make the farmers and people aware of how GM crops affect our existing crops as well as the flora and fauna, thus creating a butterfly effect in our fragile ecosystem. The talk encompassed a wide range of topics from effects of GM mustard to decline in the number of colonies of bees (pollinators). The students realized the importance and benefit of growing crops using indigenous variety of seeds and the importance of preserving these seeds. They also understood the effect of genetically engineered plants and the importance of honey bees and pollinators. The students also signed a pledge to save biodiversity and Indigenous seeds.