‘ Le Jour De La Bastille ' To celebrate the national festival of France, ‘ Le Jour De La Bastille’ which falls on July 14, the French Department organised various events on July 16, 2022 with its team of students. Various events like the marvellous French Can Can Dance Performance, captivating French Carnival, ‘Le Gala Français’ which replicated various personalities involved in the French Revolution and last but not the least, game stalls viz colour games, dart games, escargot games and puzzle games were organized. We also had mouth-watering French desserts and cuisine like crepes, ratatouille, macaroons, cupcakes, croissants and French fries. Principal Mrs. Archana S. Mankotia addressed the gathering with her words of appreciation. The event turned out to be a grand success under the guidance of Ms Vinaya Gokhle and Ms Mamta Joshi.