No matter who you are, no matter what you are No matter what you did or where you came from You can always change and be a better version of yourself. M.G.D Girls’ School, Jaipur organized the Investiture Ceremony for the newly appointed Student Council for 2022-23 on 7th July 2022. The Investiture ceremony is one of those momentous occasions when the school entrusts the mantle of responsibility to the newly elected School Council. The Principal Mrs Archana S. Mankotia, Administrative Officer Col S S Sangwan, Sena Medal*(Retd), the Coordinators, Staff and students were present at the ceremony. The ceremony began with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp and an invocation seeking the blessings of Goddess Saraswati. In her address, Mrs Archana S Mankotia guided the students to rise to every occasion and take the initiative, she emphasized the importance of setting goals and doing our Utmost for the Highest. She reminded them that the Council is the torch bearer of the values that the school stands for. The formal ‘pinning of the badge’ by the Principal Mrs Archana S Mankotia, traditional garlanding by the Coordinators, House Secretary, Housemasters and the Staff Editors for the thirty-seven respective designates of the student council led by Nandini Terapanthi as the Head Girl, was followed by a rendition of the school prayer ‘I would be true’ and ‘The Ranger’s Watchwords.’ Later, in an orientation session for the newly appointed Student Council, the Principal reiterated the five qualities that made one a true leader: Honesty, Vision, Teamwork, Growth and learning, and Transformational leadership.