
The Global Girls ‘Leadership Education and Discover India Programme ‘LEAD-I’ to be conducted in Dec 2024, aims to empower young girls with essential leadership skills, foster self-confidence, infuse them with a global perspective and make friends from the world over while acquainting them with India and its culture. The 21-day program envisages participation by 150 inspired girls of Grade XI (15–17-year-olds), from renowned schools, worldwide and will be run under two formats concurrently:-

  • The full programme - LEAD-I@MGD ( 21 Days) from 1 Dec to 21 Dec 2024.
  • Abridged Programme - LEAD-I@MGD ( 14 Days) from 1 Dec to 14 Dec 2024.

2. These programme instructions aim to provide clear and comprehensive guidelines to participants, ensuring they are well-informed and can make the most of the leadership programme.

Dates of the Programmes
Schedule LEAD-I (21 Days) LEAD-I(14 Days)
Participants arrive in Delhi/Jaipur. By 1st Dec (Sun) By 1st Dec (Sun)
Programme Activities. 2nd Dec to 20th Dec 2nd Dec to 14th Dec
Departure from Jaipur/Delhi 21 Dec (Sat) 14 Dec (Sat)

Programme Contents

Leadership Capsule

A comprehensive five-day capsule comprising, important leadership aspects like Effective Communication and Public Speaking, Self-awareness, Resilience and Perseverance, Teamwork & Collaboration and Problem-solving and Decision-making.

Acquainting with Incredible India Capsule

The participants in this capsule would be introduced to the rich cultural heritage of India through: -

  • Guest talks by eminent speakers.
  • Cultural tours to heritage sights, including the Taj Mahal and the Ranthambore Tiger Sanctuary.
Exposure to Indian Art & Craft, Music & Dance

Introduction to various Indian art forms and performing arts traditions as practice and project work to encourage them to appreciate diversity and learn from different regions.

Conduct Methodology

Sequence of Activities
  • Week One.
    • Morning sessions. Leadership Capsule- Five days.
    • Local Tour – One / Two days.
    • Afternoon Sessions. Two periods of hands-on practical experience to better understand Indian Art Forms (Art & Craft or Performing Arts).
  • Week Two
    • Morning sessions. Incredible India Capsule.
    • A Local Tour and one outstation tour (Ranthambore Tiger Sanctuary).
    • Afternoon Sessions. Advanced exposure to Indian Art Forms.
  • Only for LEAD-I (21 Days)
  • Week Three
    • Morning sessions. Incredible India Capsule continued.
    • An extended outstation tour (New Delhi and Agra).
    • Programme ending activities including display of Indian Art form projects by participants.
Routine of a Typical Day in School Campus
Time Duration (in Mins) Event Type Remarks
6:00 AM Reveille
6.40 to 6.55 AM 15’ Chota Hazri (Morning tea, coffee or milk with biscuits)
7 to 7.45 AM 45’ Physical Training / Activity
7.45 to 8.30 AM 45’ Freshen Up
8.30 to 9 AM 30’ Breakfast
Morning Session – Leadership Capsule / Incredible India
9 to 9.40 AM 40’ Period 1 Syndicate
10 to 11 AM 60’ Period 2 – Guest Talk 45 mins talk + 15 Mins Q&A
11 to 11.30 AM 30’ High Tea with Guest Speaker
11.30 to 12.10 PM 40’ Period 3 Syndicate/Division
12.15 to 12.55 PM 40’ Period 4 Syndicate/Division
1.00 to 1.40 PM 40’ Lunch / Guest Lunch
1.40 to 2.20 PM 40 Rest/ Quiet
Afternoon Session – Art & Crafts and Music and Dance Activities
2.20 to 3 PM 40’ Period 5 Syndicate/Division
3.05 to 3.45 PM 40’ Period 6 Syndicate/Division
3.45 to 4.15 PM 30’ Change
4.15 to 5.00 PM 45’ Games / Outdoor activity
5.00 to 5.30 PM 30’ Tea
5.30 to 6.30 PM 60’ Change
6.30 to 7.30 PM 60’ Common Leisure Activity
7.30 to 8 PM 30’ Dinner
8 to 9.15 75’ Common Leisure Activity Documentaries/ Presentations
9.15 to 9.30 15’ Refreshments
9.30 PM Lights Out
Detailed Timetable

Details of Events & Sessions and Information on keynote speakers and their topics will be posted in due course on the Programme sub-portal.

Sub-Division of Participants

For easier management and better control during tours and in-campus activities, infuse competitive spirit in various activities and provide more intimate teaching support, the participants will be split into smaller groups as follows: -

  1. Divisions. The 150 participants will be split into four divisions of 35 to 40 each. The four divisions will be named after four major mountain ranges in India, viz., the Himalayas, Shivaliks, Vindhyas and Satpuras. Each Division will have a teacher as the Division-in-charge.
  2. Syndicates. Each Division will be split into three syndicates of 12 to 13 participants each, with a Syndicate-in-charge teacher with each syndicate. The twelve syndicates will be named after Rivers in India, viz Ganga, Jamuna, Narmada, Ravi, Sutlej, Beas, Indus, Jhelum, Cauvery, Brahmaputra, Krishna, and Godavari.
  3. Any administrative or curriculum-related problem, health discomfort, or any complaints could be communicated to the Syndicate-in-charge teacher for prompt remedial action.
Expectations from Participants

The student participants are expected to: -

  1. Be at their inquisitive best and with some pre-study, proactively question to clarify their minds on all issues during the teaching capsules.
  2. Make a lot of friends amongst their fellow participants.
  3. Be properly attired and be punctual for all programme activities.
  4. Strictly abide by all the safety and security instructions during local / outstation tours.
  5. Display impeccable standards of discipline and decorum, ensuring an inclusive sense of camaraderie and respecting each other’s views and culture.

administrative instructions

Arrival and Departure Modalities


  • International participants are expected to arrive in New Delhi under their arrangements by the night of Saturday, 30th Nov/01 Dec. They will be received at Delhi Airport and transported by bus to Jaipur.
  • Indian school participants are expected to arrive directly to Jaipur. They will be received at Jaipur Airport / Railway Station.

After the programme, foreign students will be transported back to Delhi on the 21st of Dec for their onward, return journey home. Indian school students are requested to make their return reservations from Jaipur itself.

Boarding and Lodging

The students, escort teachers and accompanying mothers if any will be hosted on the school campus and at appropriate accommodations during the education tour visits.

The hostel facilities for students and guest facilities for accompanying teachers/parents have fully furnished arrangements including linen, washing and ironing facilities, safe-keeping cupboards, purified water dispensers etc. Therefore, the participants need to bring only their clothing and toiletries.

Weather and Clothing

The temperature in December in Jaipur, Delhi, and Agra is expected to be around a maximum of 240 C (750 F) and minimum 80 C(460 F).

Personal Clothing Recommended to be Carried
  1. Six sets of Casual wear for light winter conditions.
  2. Sweaters / Light winter jackets or coats.
  3. Track wear.
  4. Four sets of sports or physical activities wear.
  5. Light headwear, gloves, leggings and about two sets of light thermal innerwear.
  6. One set of your School Uniform (as applicable) for the formal photograph and the programme opening ceremony.
  7. Preferably, one set of the traditional wear of your country/state or province.
  8. Footwear - Sports, Formal and one floater/slippers.
Medical Support

The school has a 12-bed infirmary with well-trained and certified medical staff available round the clock for any medical emergencies. In addition, the school has a tie-up with one of the best hospitals in Jaipur, the ‘Santokba Durlabhji’ Hospital which has world-class facilities for serious emergencies and is just 10 minutes away from the school.

Food and Dining


Nutritious and tasty food with options for vegetarian, non-vegetarian and vegan diets would be served during in-campus meals and tours outside. The food will be an interesting mix of Indian, Rajasthani (the state cuisine), Chinese etc. Special dietary requirements can be catered for if informed in advance. The spice content will be kept minimal to make the food palatable, for all the participants.

All participants are requested to indicate their preference for Non-Vegetarian, Vegetarian or Vegan food in their registration form and also if any have any dietary restrictions.

Who Can Apply And How To Apply

Who can Apply?
  • Girls of grade XI in the age bracket 15-17 years.
  • Academically inquisitive girls, committed to developing their leadership skills and willing to engage in all aspects of the programme.
  • Girls with fair communication skills (both verbal and written) in English.
How to Apply

The participants can apply for the programme online/by email, through their respective Schools. Thus, there are two application forms as follows and posted separately in this portal under Registrations and Indemnity Forms

  • Students Registration Form. A form is to be filled out by each student individually.
  • School Registration Form. Each School will fill out one form for the Full Programme (LEAD-I@MGD-21 Days) and one if applicable for the Abridged programme (LEAD-I@MGD-14 Days).
  • Mandatory Submissions while filling out Registration Forms.
    • The student should be duly recommended by the School Principal or the Head Teacher in the School Application Form.
    • Two separate Indemnity Forms to cover Media Policy and Indemnity during Tours and Travel.

Programme Financials

Programme Financials for Students from All Countries (other than SAARC countries/Indian Schools)
S.No. On Account Paid by/Charged to
Student Accompanying Teacher Accompanying Parent
A Air Travel Cost: to Delhi and back to Home Country By Student By Teacher By Parent
B Programme Fee:
LEAD-I (21 Days) US$ 2000 LEAD-I (14 Days) US $ 1200
By Student With 1 to 4 students: 50% of the fee
• Above 5-10 students: NO charges
No charges for 1 Parent for a group of 10 students
Programme Financials for Students from SAARC countries and Indian Schools
S.No. On Account Paid by/Charged to
Student Accompanying Teacher
A Air Travel Cost: to Delhi and back to Home Country By Student By Teacher
B Programme Fee:
LEAD-I (21 Days) INR 1,00,000 /- LEAD-I (14 Days) INR 60,000/-
By Student With 1 to 4 students: 50% of the fee
Above 5-10 students: NO charges
  • No other charges will be levied for any other expenses as part of the programme curriculum including tours.
  • Cash / Travelling Foreign Exchange Card will be required only for personal expenses. It is advised that participants carry minimum inescapable cash.
  • Most purchases in India can be made, using cards or mobile payment apps (Google Pay/ UPI/Ru Pay etc.)
  • The Indian currency is the Indian Rupee (INR) and 1 US $ = 83 INR, as per present exchange rates.
Payment Bank Details
A/C No. 98140400000001
IFSC CODE BARB0EXTMIR [Fifth Character is “Zero”]
A Swift code will be provided by the Bank when the payment has to be made.
Refund /Cancellation Policy

After the Programme fees are paid, if any student wants to withdraw, the paid fees will be refunded as per the following terms:-

  1. Withdrawal before 20 Sept 2024. A complete refund will be made.
  2. Withdrawal between 20 Sept and 15 Oct 2024. A 50% refund will be made. (45 days before the programme)
  3. Withdrawal after 15 Oct 2024. The school will NOT be able to provide any refund. ( 1 to 45 days before the programme).
  4. However in cases of withdrawal due to unforeseen reasons, alternate students can be nominated for the programme, provided the new students, cater for the travel expenses to and from Delhi.

Other Information / Queries

Use of Computers / I Pads

All participants are advised NOT to bring their laptops or iPads for the programme. The School has a fully equipped Computer laboratory which can be used for any form of research work.

Additional Enquiries

The Programme Coordinator, Ms Cherry Goyal can be contacted on the following email/Mobile from Monday to Friday between 0900 H to 1600 H Indian Standard Time


Mobile: 91-9929957616